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IRS Form 990 shows how NOLS is using its money and resources


From 2021 - 2023, NOLS filed Fiscal Year Form 990s significantly past their annual deadlines.

As of September 1, 2024, NOLS has yet to file Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, making the filing 229 days late and creating a financial reporting gap starting from September 1, 2022.


The late filings and filing gap have negative consequences for the school


Lack of transparency can create mistrust Since Form 990 is a public document that requires detailed financial and operational information about NOLS as a nonprofit, it contains more than the curated numbers found in NOLS' own publications. Filing 990s promptly and thoroughly would show NOLS is committed to transparency.


Donors may want to review NOLS Form 990s before making funding decisions An ongoing history of late filings may raise red flags and jeopardize donation initiatives.


Late filings can trigger financial penalties Late filing penalties can be up to $60,000 for each filing year. Going 3 consecutive years with non-filing would result in the IRS automatically revoking NOLS' tax-exempt status and causing a financial disaster. 


 Over the past four years, there was the COVID pandemic, a CFO revolving door, a transition from President Terri Watson to Sandy Colhoun first as Interim President then as NOLS new President - rapid change and uncertainty have been a stress test for NOLS. Are the late filings of Form 990s a side effect? Can NOLS now file on time?


To show how the school used its money from 2 years ago and counting, can NOLS file its past due FY 2023 Form 990 before the end of this year? NOTE: FY 2023 became available on a few days after this newsletter was posted.

Click here to see the full filing.

Can NOLS file its currently due FY 2024 Form 990 before the IRS filing deadline next January 15th? And as part of the NOLS website redesign, can NOLS make all of its filed Form 990s accessible from


These actions would reinforce NOLS' reputation as a transparent, trustworthy, and well-managed Leader in Outdoor Education.


NOLS Self-Assembly

Our objective is to serve as a link between NOLS and the greater NOLS community for an open discussion about how NOLS can stay true to its Mission and the practice of Expedition Behavior. We have consistently reached out to the NOLS Board and the Executive Team as a group. We aim to engage with open inquiry and constructive and generative dialogue.

NOLS Self-Assembly 2023

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