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TO THE GREATER NOLS COMMUNITY Thanks to every NOLSie who has signed our Petition! The screenshot below shows new submissions from the last two weeks. Names are covered since we do not post them online.



Last December, 21 founding members signed our initial DEI Assessment Report. Now over 150 NOLSie petitioners are asking the NOLS Board to answer four basic questions about NOLS DEI implementation.


When NOLS Self-Assembly started, most of us were early NOLSies. Today, more than 50% of us took their first NOLS course since 1985, and 38% since 2005.

NOLSies from all generations share a concern about how a wayward DEI implementation is undermining the school's educational foundation.


NOLS Self-Assembly Our objective is to serve as a link between NOLS and the greater NOLS community for an open discussion about how NOLS is staying true to its mission and the practice of expedition behavior while implementing a DEI initiative, fundraising $10,000,000 to cover operating losses and searching for a new president while creating a new strategic plan.

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