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We appreciate you being here.  Connecting with other people who are just as passionate about NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) and sharing the common bond of the NOLS experience is why we are fortunate to be part of such an inspiring, incredible community.

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Who We Are

NOLS Self-Assembly is a group comprised of NOLS alumni, former Board and Advisory Council members, current and former NOLS instructors and employees. We strive to be an objective and timely source of information for discussion that leads to positive action and change when needed by sharing our findings with the greater NOLS community – past, present and future.

Our Purpose

NOLS prides itself on being a school that seeks to help you step forward boldly as a leader. And that is why we are here - our purpose is to keep NOLS focused on its core principles as it navigates the related interpersonal and intrapersonal issues that the school and the larger society face today.

What is our current focus?

Our immediate main objective is to actively address NOLS's current implementation of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative. DEI, which promotes understanding and respect for different cultures and individual backgrounds, can and should be part of NOLS's continued success, just as important as its mission, founding purpose, and teaching approach. Our concern is that instead of contributing to its success, the way NOLS is approaching DEI is undermining the school's educational foundation and jeopardizing its future.


To be the leading source and teacher of wilderness skills and leadership that serve people and the environment.

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Our Main Goal: An Open DIALOGUE about noLs dei implementation.

We are asking the NOLS Board of Trustees four basic questions

  • If NOLS employees have concerns about how NOLS is implementing DEI, why are they afraid to go on record?

  • What does Expedition Behavior lack in order for EB to meet the school’s diversity and inclusion goals?

If you too believe the nols board needs to answer these questions, please sign our petition.


Please add your name to our petition to have the Board answer four basic questions about how NOLS is implementing DEI. The more people who sign the petition, the more likely NOLS will pay attention.

NOLS Self-Assembly 2023

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